Friday, February 17


Here's what my weekend was full of: Knocking ripe mangoes out of their trees with enormous sticks and then continuing to eat the deliciously juicy fruit until we couldn't even think about it. Struggling to milk a colossal cow while being laughed at by the 14-year-old boy who successfully does it twice every day. Blazing our own trails through thick jungle plants, climbing hills of mud and trees spiderman-style, searching high and low for a non-bug-infested flower to put in my hair, walking ankle-deep in a creek with shoes and socks on, and finally seeing from afar the path we should've been on after climbing up the wrong side of the ravine.

I got to go to Chulumani, Bolivia with a group of the FAI volunteers from Saturday to Monday. The group consisted of the natively English-speaking volunteers (three other Americans and three Scots) along with one recently-arrived German volunteer and Sebastian Eberhardt, the volunteer coordinator. It was a ridiculously fun time together; our 2.5 days consisted of relaxing, eating, talking, playing cards, going hiking, and getting bit by bugs. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with each volunteer and getting to know them more.

The stunningly beautiful hostel we stayed at was owned by an older yet actively hard-working couple, American wife and Bolivian husband. I was excited to befriend Mrs. Tildy, the Washington DC-ian wife, with whom I had some awesome conversations regarding our faith and God's creativity (which was gloriously screaming in our face all weekend). I also befriended their very fat pig, Florentino.

Chulumani is in the tropical department of Bolivia, so while the pueblito is still nestled among huge mountains like La Paz is, the surroundings of Chulumani are an intense and steady green, interrupted only by the occasional river or waterfall, and speckled with bright flowers and fruits. It is truly breathtaking, and I'd be eager to return at the next chance I get.

Well, that was my wonderful weekend about a month ago, and due to me being an unforgivably inconsistent blogger, you all haven't heard about it until now. Hopefully I can redeem myself with a more recent post.