Friday, January 20


Here Matt and I sit on the couch, coughing, sneezing, snotting and weakly laughing about it all. Partially watching the Giants-Falcons game, partially miserably staring at the ceiling, whole-heartedly wondering when we'll be able to breathe through our noses again. Other than the recent (and typical) bout of sickness--which is quite expected about every other week now--life in La Paz has been good! Crazy of course, but good nonetheless.

...I wrote that introduction two weeks ago. I left it up there as a reminder to myself to be a better blogger, man up and write. So now, a little while later, I am sitting outside of the apartment building on this beautiful Bolivian summer morning, barefoot in the grass like any good Hobbit, and praising God that I am not sick. I just recovered from the flu, which I must say has been my least favorite illness so far, but no matter; I'm still convinced I'm gonna have the immune system of Chuck Norris by the time all this is through.

So let's see, what adventures has La Paz held for us since my last blog? Always the loaded question. In my typical lazy fashion, here's a list, in no particular order:

-As a heartbreaking example of all good things coming to an end, my sister and the Walkers are all back in America. It was total poo, to put it classily, to say goodbye to one of my best friends and my sweet big sister, but it was a necessary evil that we've put behind us. The Broyles are all so grateful for the time we got to spend with our missing and sorely missed family member, and I especially am thankful for the extraordinary time I got to spend with Renee and Luke.

-To be honest with all you lovely readers, I definitely had an emotional breakdown once my sister left, and not a short one, at that. When Jordyn left many weeks ago I was sad, naturally, but the reality of her absence didn't hit me until all visitors had gone. Not only did I miss my best friend in general, but I was scared to walk through life in Bolivia without a constant companion. An outrageous loneliness took over me (a concept clearly planted by Satan), and I went into a pathetic little state of self-pity and self-absorption. It's funny, once you take your eyes off God's character and goodness, you get simply miserable! I knew that before, but I'm constantly being reminded. Once I woke up from my horrible week of self-hibernation, I got really re-excited about all the Bolivian blessings God has placed in my new life: the incredible sisters from church, our tight-knit HOPE family, the smiles on the daycare kids' faces, my relationships with the older girls in the projects, the ridiculous beauty of the city, and so much more. So, after God shook me out of my brief lapse in sanity, I am more excited and grateful than ever to be here in La Paz.

The jet-lagged Basilios and part of
the airport welcome group!
-And on a nicer note! God, in His perfect and encouraging timing, gives and take away, not a moment too soon or too late. Within the hour of the Walkers' arrival at the airport, in the terminal next-door, the Basilios dragged themselves in terminal, greeted by a loud, cheerful group of Latino disciples and excited Americans. No words to describe how thrilled I was to hug my three favorite snuggle buddies! Since their arrival, the Basilio family has had quite the adjustment with broken refrigerators, broken bunk bed ladders, migraines, four-year-old barfing all night, surprises in the school enrollment process, and those are just a few. But John and Migdalia are holding firm to their purpose here as servants in Bolivia, without complaints and with only positive perspectives! It's not only a delight and automatic soul-uplifter to have our dear friends finally here with us, but their arrival signifies that, after many struggles and battles, the official HOPE team is united at last! (Forgive me if it sounds like I'm talking about the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring, I just read "The Hobbit" and watched "The Two Towers" last week.)
The official HOPE Bolivia team!
-Throughout all the excitement and sickness, I also got to start up the first Bible talk at Casa de Refugio (home for young mothers) which was, inevitably, wonderful. It was short and to the point, since only my mom was watching the girls' kids downstairs, and as we all know, babies cannot naturally sit for twenty minutes without their momma. Thus being the situation, I did a quick but encouraging devotional about God's love and perfect plan. We'll have another next week, and hopefully every week after that! Please pray for these teenage mothers who have been through more life than many adults already, and are eager to learn and know God on an intimate level.

Well, I think that about wraps it up! (That's my way of saying there's a whole lot else to say but I'm going to end the blog post now.) As always, please keep Bolivia in your prayers. Thank you!
My dad and I went on a prayer walk/accidental (barefoot) hike, and this was part of the incredible
view we encountered on top of a mountain right down the street from our house!
P.S. Behind me is merely a part of Zona Sur, the city of La Paz is HUGE!!
Above: Nicole. Absolutely beautiful.
Below: This is Alexander. I thought I'd end the post on an extra happy note.

1 comment:

  1. Aww Brie. It breaks my heart that you are not feeling well. I hope that you do have a Chuck Norris immune system so you can live forever : )

    I love your blog
    I miss you SO MUCH
